The high global consumption of energy, especially for heating and cooling, is usually accompanied by high gas emissions. Greenhouse’s emissions have become a real threat to the environment and the effects are visible in worldwide disasters due to climate change.

Moving toward Sustainability and Safe Environment, Governments and private entities have been trying to implement ecofriendly solutions to generate energy with a minimal environmental impact. For decades, geothermal energy (Shallow and deep) has been neglected due to the quick implementation and high efficiency of thermal plants.

With the increase in demand for clean energy sources. Solar, wind and geothermal energy became the alternative solution to reduce energy production from fossil fuels and to provide effective ecofriendly solutions for electricity, heat and cooling generation.

The long Expertise that ARGAS has on the subsurface exploration, complemented with the recent hydrogeological and modeling established services, has put the company in a strategic position to work with the stakeholders on shallow (open and closed loop systems) and deep geothermal exploration.

As a result, ARGAS was selected to drill four pilot geothermal wells in 2024 and equipped them with a closed loop system for heating and cooling generation. ARGAS success and efficiency in delivering the wells (Mobilization, drilling time and completion) backed up with its huge logistic expertise acquired from the long-time geophysical exploration in remote areas, has earned them the exclusivity to drill the wells for the large-scale cooling and heating project planned in 2025.

ARGAS was also involved in tenders for open loop implementation systems for heating and cooling and also in deep geothermal exploration tenders.


Engineering Solutions Director at ARGAS

Dr. Massaad Elhakim